In Western Kazakhstan, according to summary data, there are 13 species of snakes (61.9% of the snake fauna of Kazakhstan). The distribution of snakes in the region needs detailed research and mapping. During the three-year (2023–2025) expeditionary research, the available information on the geographical distribution and biotopic distribution of snakes in Western Kazakhstan will be refined and supplemented based on field research and GIS modeling results. The genetic diversity of snakes in the region will be determined according to the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, with the specification of its constituent forms and their taxonomic status. Their relative abundance will be assessed and limiting factors identified. Taking into account the new data, a cadastre of snakes in the region was compiled and published in the form of a poster, brochure, photo guide, website and scientific articles. Recommendations will be drawn up for the conservation of the Caspian whip snake and the Sarmatian Rat Snake, species included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Consumers of the results obtained are public authorities and public organizations, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, state and public bodies. The results of the research are of interest to the public, the local population, biologists and ecologists and will be posted in the global GBIF biodiversity database in the Darwin Core format. The site "Snakes of Western Kazakhstan" will be created. The obtained DNA sequences will be deposited for public access in the GenBank NCBI public database.

The creation of a detailed illustrated cadastre of snakes in Western Kazakhstan will ensure that an important component of the biological diversity of the region is taken into account and will contribute to the comprehensive study, sustainable use, conservation and reproduction of its biological resources.
Studying the distribution, genetic diversity, distribution and abundance of snakes in Western Kazakhstan, identifying the attitude of society towards snakes, preparing recommendations for their protection in Kazakhstan.

1) Clarification and addition of the existing ideas about the geographical distribution and biotopic distribution of snakes in Western Kazakhstan based on field research and the results of GIS modeling.

2) Compilation of a detailed illustrated inventory of snakes in Western Kazakhstan, including modern finds and analysis of limiting factors. The study of the number and size-sex composition of snakes in Western Kazakhstan. Description of the features of the species morphology and comparison with data obtained in other regions.

3) Determination of the genetic diversity of snakes in the region according to the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA with the specification of its constituent forms and their taxonomic status. Collection of tissue samples from all species of snakes in Western Kazakhstan using non-traumatic methods from different localities for subsequent genetic research. Transfer of dead snakes found in nature to the leading collections of reptiles.

4) Evaluation of the spread, distribution and consequences of venomous snake bites on people and domestic animals within the region based on the results of survey data and analysis of data from health departments.

5) A study of public opinion about snakes, the place of reptiles in nature in order to form a tolerant consciousness among the population towards representatives of the snake suborder, informing the population through questions of tools about the benefits and harmlessness, as well as the safety of the snake.

6) Development of recommendations for the conservation of snakes in the republic and their transfer to the official nature protection structures of Kazakhstan, in particular, for the conservation of the Caspian whip snake and Sarmatian Rat Snake in the region - species included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

7) Informing the scientific community and the general public about the results of the project. Presenting the results at the global level when they are placed in the GBIF global biodiversity database. Preparation and submission to print of an article based on the results of the research in the foreign rating publication Web of Science / Scopus - 3; in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - CQASHE) - 1, as well as 1 - photo guide, 1 brochure and 1 poster. Creation of a public site "Snakes of Western Kazakhstan".

During the three-year (2023–2025) expeditionary research, the available information on the geographical distribution and biotopic distribution of snakes in Western Kazakhstan will be clarified and supplemented, and a cadastre of snakes in the region will be compiled and published taking into account the new data.

Proposals will be developed for inclusion in the Red Book of Kazakhstan some snake species. Recommendations for the protection of red-listed species: Caspian whip snake and Sarmatian Rat Snake will be developed. A comprehensive assessment of cases of poisonous snake bites of people and pets in the region will be carried out.

If a snake that died in nature is found, such biological material will be collected and transferred as a collection specimen to the leading zoological collections to represent the herpetofauna of Kazakhstan.

To increase the availability of the obtained data and its presentation to the wider world community, the collected data with geo-referenced snake encounter points in Western Kazakhstan will be formed into a dataset in the Darwin Core format and embedded in the GBIF global biodiversity database.

As a result of the project implementation, a program of empirical sociological research of the state of ecological consciousness in relation to the snakes of modern Kazakhstani society will be developed; obtained data characterizing the state of ecological consciousness in the western region of Kazakhstan, its inherent ideas and value judgments about the formation of tolerant consciousness in relation to snakes; scientific and methodological recommendations have been developed for creating a sustainable public consciousness of benevolence towards snakes and fauna in general, recommendations have been developed for overcoming superstition and prejudice towards snakes, cultural and social solutions to the problems of ophidiophobia.

3 (three) articles and (or) reviews will be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty). Suggested publications for publishing project results: Herpetologica, Percentile in Scopus: Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Animal Science and Zoology - 76 (; Amphibia - Reptilia, Percentile in Scopus: Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Animal Science and Zoology - 77 (; Journal of Herpetology, Percentile in Scopus: Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Animal Science and Zoology - 63 (

If the above journals do not accept articles, then it is planned to submit articles for consideration to other journals that have a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50.

1 (one) article or review will be published in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by the CQASHE: Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series Biology. The medicine. Geography (; Bulletin of KazNU. Ecological series (; Bulletin of KazNU. Series Geographic (

A website “Snakes of Western Kazakhstan” will be created and a photo guide on snakes in Western Kazakhstan will be prepared, where each description will be accompanied by a photograph and contain information about their biology, habitat and behavior. This site and the book will help the inhabitants of the region to identify the snakes of the region, to distinguish one snake from another, poisonous from non-venomous. This site and the book will provide advice on how to behave when encountering snakes, how to provide first aid for snakebite, and other recommendations for the public.

In order to disseminate the results of our project to a wider audience, we plan to publish scientific articles and distribute the “Snakes of Western Kazakhstan” poster and other handouts among the population. An illustrative brochure and handouts will include descriptions of the snakes, tips on spotting them in the wild, and tips for locals on how to deal with them when they encounter them.

The target consumers of the obtained results are state authorities and public organizations in the field of ecology, the Department of Natural Resources and the regulation of nature management. The results obtained will be introduced into the educational process at M. Utemisov WKU. The results of the research will also be applied in the preparation of students and undergraduates in the specialty "Geography". The results will be disseminated to potential users, the scientific community and the general public. The project will be covered in social networks. Public awareness of snakes in the region is expected to increase once basic knowledge about snakes and their conservation is gained through outreach programs. We hope to reduce the senseless killing of snakes in populated areas.